Activate voucher code

  • You can use this page to activate an HS&E publication subscription, purchased from CITB
  • Each subscription can be redeemed only once into one user's account; each user can view the subscribed information on up to three devices
  • Subscription accounts are identified by email address
  • The email address used at the point of purchase does not need to be the same as the email address that the subscription is attached to (for example an employer can purchase multiple content subscriptions and give those to employees to redeem individually).
  • To redeem a voucher, enter the code into the voucher box and enter the email address of a new or existing account in to the email box. Optionally, you may also enter your name
  • If you enter an email that is attached to an existing account, then the subscription will be added to that account. If you enter an email that has not previously been used, a new account will be created, and a password will be generated and sent to you via email
NOTE: All communication takes place using the email address attached to the account, please enter it carefully and accurately.